If you are recently engaged or considering marriage, we would love to meet you!
We want to help you make your wedding day personal, meaningful, spiritual and beautiful.
Each of our churches offer a wonderful and unique setting for your wedding to take place.
If you are not a regular churchgoer, you are still entitled to get married in the church in the parish in which you live
If you live in one of our parishes (Winscombe, Sandford or Churchill) or have what’s called a “qualifying connection” with us we will be delighted to discuss the possibility of being married at St James’s, All Saints or St John’s.
Wedding Enquiries
For all enquiries about marriage and weddings, please contact the Church Office in the first instance, and one of the clergy team will be delighted to speak to you. No question is too obvious – we want to help.
Preparing for marriage
The Church of England takes the commitment that husband and wife make to one another on their wedding day, seriously, which is why we will ask you to undertake some form of wedding preparation before the service. This might take the form of one or two meetings with the priest who is to take the wedding, either alone or alongside other couples preparing to get married. The preparation aims to help you to think about married life and all it will mean for you.
The Church of England has further detailed advice on getting married in church, from preparing for marriage and organising the details of the service to the responsibilities of being an usher or a witness. Read more about weddings in the Church of England at: yourchurchwedding.org.