What is a Home Group?
A Home Group is a small group of church members who meet outside of regular services for fellowship, study and prayer.
Home Groups usually meet in someone’s home and include six to ten people. The group is usually led by one or two of the members.
A smaller setting provides a space for a sense of community and mutual support to form and for the exploration of faith in a more personal and participatory way than is possible at a Sunday Service. The aim of our Home Groups is to enable people to grow in faith and fellowship.
There is no typical set of activities in a home group. Each of our groups is unique, designed to meet the needs of its members, but the following activities are commonplace:
· Exploring aspects of the Christian Faith
· Developing our faith and relating it to the world in which we live
· Studying the bible
· Catching up on one another’s news
· Praying together
· Worship
· Sharing a meal
If you would like to know more or are interested in joining a Home Group, please make contact with one or more of those below who will be happy to chat about what is available
Please contact
John Hayter johnchrishayter@btinternet.com 01934 844656
Hilary Hagen hilaryhagen54@gmail.com 01934 842511
Pauline Nixon revpolly@gmail.com 07511 935860
If you are interested in forming a new Home Group, do feel free to discuss with one of the above.