Appeal to support the people of Ukraine

Cafe Church and Appeal for Ukraine; Sunday 6th March 2022

Please see below for details of a special Cafe Church on Sunday 6th March. the service will launch an appeal for the people of Ukraine. Funds raised will be donated to the International Red Cross to support their work with refugees. The service will be suitable for all and will include the story of Jesus in the Wilderness told in Lego and a craft activity for the younger members.

We will direct our giving to the International Committee of the Red Cross who have people on the ground in Ukraine and Poland.  The Red Cross is a charity that is very well known and people will be familiar with and they are helping refugees from Ukraine with food, shelter and medicine.  Red Cross claim 93.5% of their received donations funds operations on the ground.

How to make your donation

You can donate by:

1.Putting cash or cheques in the blue envelopes (yellow at St John’s) and marking the envelope ‘Ukrainian Appeal’

2. An online payment direct to the Church Bank Accounts

St James’s & All Saints

Account Name: PCC of Winscombe

Sort Code   60-23-32

Account Number   53349822

Reference    Ukraine

St Johns

Account Name

Sort Code

Account Number

Reference: Ukraine

Thank you for your support for the people of Ukraine

Easter Gardens Project and Display

To help celebrate Easter this year the Churches of St James, St Johns and All Saints are inviting you to make a mini Easter Garden to represent any aspect of the Easter Story from Palm Sunday through to Easter Sunday.

These gardens can also be personalised to reflect the person that created them, for example:A traditional miniature garden using plants

A painting / drawing / collage of an Easter garden

A garden made using recycled materials

A garden made out of Lego

A garden made out of plasticine

A garden made out of cake

A Minecraft Easter garden (like above)

Individuals of all ages and  community groups are  invited to participate.

We then invite you to display your Easter Garden for the community to see, in the way that’s easiest for you:

Either bring it along to the Church Centre on Saturday 16th April between 9.00 and 10.00am, where it will be placed on display with all the others for visitors to see during the day, from 10.30am.

Or send a  photo of your garden to so it can be displayed  at the Church Centre and on our website

The Church Centre will be open on Saturday 16th April from 10.00 am for people for visitors to see the display. We are hoping to offer refreshments. Bring the family!

There will also be an Easter Egg Raffle where you are guaranteed to win an egg. 

 £1 per entry!

We are asking for donations of Easter Eggs of any size for the raffle.

Please give to one of the Church Wardens or leave in basket in the Church Centre.

Tree Planting For the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Ah, but this wasn’t just any old spade. No, the special one with an inscribed silver blade, used in both Platinum Jubilee tree-planting ceremonies on Sunday, 6th February this year, was first wielded in February 1867.

That was for turning the first sod of the new railway line (the Strawberry Line), performed by Mrs Anna Victoria Yatman, Great Great Grandmother of Mr Hugh Gunn. More recently, his Mother used the spade in February 1999 when digging was begun to create Winscombe’s Millennium Green.

So it was very appropriate that Hugh Gunn formed one of the “Queen’s Green Canopy” planting party, along with John Penrose MP, Archie Forbes (Chairman of the Parish Council), Rev. Andrew Hiscox (Vicar of Winscombe and Sandford) and, at Sandford, trumpeter Cole Craggs from Wells Cathedral School. Tony Callow represented the Sandford community there, and Lois Brenchley did likewise for Winscombe. At Sandford, onlookers applauded Cider-maker Martin Thatcher on his recent appointment to the position of Deputy Lieutenant of Somerset, as he too used the spade. Thatchers was represented at Winscombe by Phil Smith. Two Union Flags held by dignified standard- bearers added patriotic colour to the scene.

The sparkling performance of a trumpet fanfare by Cole Craggs at both plantings heralded these memorable events in splendid style. Richard Noy was clearly in his element as a very effective Town Crier cum Master of Ceremonies. Residents who came to support the Sandford planting had the bonus of sunshine, but the midday clouds and wind didn’t deter the Winscombe crowd from equally spirited singing of “I Vow to Thee My Country” and the National Anthem. Both occasions concluded with a rousing Three Cheers for Her Majesty, after the Vicar had prayed God’s blessing on the trees and what they both symbolise.

The Primary Schools were represented by 11 year-old Saffron at Sandford and 5 year-old Josh in Winscombe, with his little sister, 3 year-old Emilia, when the children came forward to place a plaque beside each tree.

The enthusiastic mood of both ceremonies showed how young and old admire and honour our Queen and her shining example of dependability, dedication and service. Those qualities were themselves expressed by the people behind the scenes who enabled this whole occasion to be so successful: the Tree Wardens who procured the oak saplings, prepared the soil and ensured the trees had proper protection once planted; Strongvox for allowing the siting of Sandford’s tree by the entrance to its new housing development; not forgetting the indefatigable William Du Croz who cheerfully master-minded the whole event!

Service of Thanksgiving for her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

A well attended, special service of thanksgiving took place on February 6th at St James’s Church, to mark 70 years since Queen Elizabeth II acceded to the throne. Together we offered praise and thanksgiving for the Queen’s life and her dedicated service to our nation remembering her personal testimony: ‘For me the teaching of Christ and my personal accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to live.’

The music was specially chosen with hymns from the Queens’ Coronation and Diamond Jubilee celebrations including a special arrangement of ‘All People That On Earth Do Dwell.’

The service ended with our organist playing ‘Crown Imperial’ by William Walton.

The church was also beautifully decorated with flower arrangements in patriotic red, white and blue.

The service was followed by a two tree planting ceremonies, one in Sandford and the other in Winscombe. You can read about these on page ??

A Vicar At Last

It was a damp and drizzly Monday evening but it turned into something else entirely when we were inside St James’s with welcoming peals of bells, warmth, bright lights and candles for a service to Celebrate the Ministry of Rev Andrew Hiscox and install him as Vicar of Winscombe and Sandford. 

Andrew had been our Curate for four years and then installed via Zoom as Priest in Charge but it was wonderful to have a large congregation in Church, including a good number of our friends from St John’s, Churchill, to welcome him as our Vicar.

Archdeacon Adrian Youings conducted the service along with Rev Tom Yacomeni, Locking Area Dean. Andrew confirmed his willingness to serve through the legal requirements and then committed himself to ministering to the Parishes.

The Archdeacon, in his sermon, encouraged Andrew to “be bold’, “trust God” and “dream big dreams”! This isn’t  just Andrew’s role but a call to all of  us to step up and be part of ‘the Vision’ for our communities. We all prayed with Andrew

We pledge ourselves to pray and care for the communities in this place; to share the Word of God, to celebrate the sacraments of the new covenant, to encourage discipleship.  Together, may we make this a place where we are empowered for witness in God’s world. Amen.

Before the blessing gifts were presented to Corinna, Owyn and Carys, as well as Diggory, their dog, in recognition of the love and support they give Andrew.

The music from the choir and organist and the Sandford W.I. Handbell Ringers all added to the sense of occasion. Afterwards we enjoyed delicious food and wine and went home looking forward to the future and to discovering where God will take us on the next part of our journey.

All Souls Service

All Souls: Sunday 31st October 2021

We remembered All Souls on the afternoon of 31st October.

A thoughtful and gentle time of singing, listening to music and poems and being together to remember those we have loved – all the people in our lives who have helped, encouraged and loved us, be they family, friends, neighbours or colleagues. We thank them and remember them.

During a time of commemoration, a poem was read and in between the verses, as names were remembered, people could come forward to hang their cards on the tree with their personal message of love. Everyone took home a narcissus bulb to plant to see the sign of hope and new life in the Spring. The trees will stay in the prayer area in St James’s Church until after Christmas so if you wish to add a name you are very welcome.

All our loved ones are saints to us and we were glad to be together to express our gratitude for the days and years we were able to share with them.

Remember me, When you will search the skies in constant wonder. Am I gone from you? Remember me in all your tears and sighs, And hear my promise – I’m still one with you.

Christian Aid Quiz

Christian Aid Quiz

Friday 8th October 7.00 pm

The Christian Aid Quiz is back! We all love a good quiz, and the Christian Aid Team are organising a special quiz at the Church Centre in Winscombe (BS25 1BA) at 7.00pm on 8th October. We will be raising funds for the Haitian Earthquake Appeal. 

Tickets (£7 per person) are available from William Du Croz (07960697874). Buy tickets individually, or for Teams of 5 people. Attendance is limited to 50 people to avoid overcrowding. 

Please bring your own drinks. There will be a light supper and a raffle. It promises to be an enjoyable evening.

Afghanistan Appeal

In response to humanitarian aid being sought around the globe, the benefice of Winscombe & Sandford with Churchill have launched a September appeal

Three major charities will be supported:

18 million people in Afghanistan need humanitarian help – due to decades of conflict, years of extreme drought, and weeks of heavy fighting. The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement has been supporting the people of Afghanistan for over 30 years. We won’t stop now.

There are estimated to be around 1,200 Christian families in Afghanistan, totalling 5,000 to 8,000 individuals. But only the Lord knows the true number.
As first-generation converts from Islam and their children, they face almost certain death at the hands of the Taliban, who now control virtually the whole country, and will kill them as apostates.  Unless they can escape.

Christian Aid has been working in Afghanistan for thirty years and we will not desert now; more support will be required for poor and marginalised communities in the coming days. We’re doing all we can to continue distributions of food and emergency supplies to the most affected communities.  We hope that humanitarian access will remain, especially access to women and girls in the communities as we are very concerned about their safety. 

For details of how to make a donation please click here:

Our Church Centre

The Church Centre is the new name for St James’s Church Hall in Winscombe.

The new name supports our vision which is for the Church to be at the heart of the local community. It also shows that this is a centre for all three churches that are currently working together, St James’s, All Saints and St John’s.

You will see this new name being used on our posters and publicity.

You will also start to see some changes at the Church Centre itself. We are working hard to make the outside of the centre more attractive so look out for a mural appearing gradually over the coming months and we are planning to have new curtains indoors.

This is just the start of a long term project to improve our facilities so that we can further serve and support the local community.

The mural will feature flowers designed and painted by members of the local community including children from Winscombe and Sandford Primary Schools.

Here are some of their designs.

‘Signpost’ is available now!

A new Parish Magazine covering Winscombe, Sandford and Churchill was launched on 1st. September.  And it’s FREE! 

A one off printed copy is being delivered to everyone who subscribed to the old magazine. At the same we are sending out email copies to people who have subscribed to the Church Newsletter during the pandemic. Please check your spam if you don’t see it in your inbox. 

From October, Signpost will be available by email and only those few people who are unable to receive it electronically can request a printed copy by calling the Church Office on 01934 844650, leaving a message including their full name and address.

A copy of the magazine will also be available to download from this website.

A limited number of printed copies will be available from our three Churches and the Church Centre plus a few local shops.

We hope you enjoy it and that you will want future copies. If so, send an email to to be added to the mailing list.

If you wish to contribute an article to the magazine please email The deadline is the second Sunday of the month prior to publication.