Private Prayer during September.

During September we will be starting to hold services in St James’ Church Hall and on Sunday 20th September there will also be a service at All Saints, Sandford. Please click here for further information.

Therefore, St James Church will not be open for Private prayer during September but

All Saints Church, Sandford will be open in September from 11.00 – 12.00 except for Sunday 20th September.

N.B. Access into the Churches outside these times is not permitted except by members of the PCC Standing Committee making the arrangements for these ‘open for prayer’ sessions.

For our part, we will ensure that it is as safe as possible for you to visit the Churches by carrying out a thorough Risk Assessment and implementing the necessary control measures.  During the time that All Saints Church is open someone will be present to supervise those attending for Private Prayer.  Those parts that visitors touch (e.g. door handles, pews, chairs etc.) will be properly cleaned on a regular basis and at the end of the session.