Ordination of Jacqui Keir-Bucknall

A good number of us from St James’s, St John’s and All Saints gathered in Bath Abbey to join the 1,200 people who were all there to be welcomed by our new Bishop Michael to a very special service.

We sang an opening hymn

In the name of Jesus we gather,

In the name of Christ we sing,

celebrate new vows, new promise

of a life’s whole offering,

here ordained to lead God’s people

at the Gospel’s beckoning.

Then followed an uplifting service of Ordination in which our Curate, Jacqui, and four others, were ordained as Priests. The special prayer of Ordination ended by saying:

And now we give You thanks that you have called

these your servants whom we ordain in Your name,

to share as priests in the ministry of the gospel of Christ,

the Apostle and High Priest of our faith

and the Shepherd of our souls.

This wonderful first part of our service was followed by The Liturgy of the Sacrament and the Eucharistic Prayer preceding the whole congregation being offered Holy Communion.

At the end of this inspiring time of prayer and praise we sang a final hymn which ended:

Go forth and tell! O Christ of God, arise!

Go in the strength which Christ your Lord supplies:

Go ’til all nations his great name adore,

and serve him, Lord and King forever more.