Sounds of Easter

In previous years we have had a variety of themes to help us reflect on Easter.  There have been creative contributions from our parishioners such as Easter Gardens, Easter Crosses and Experience Easter.  

This year our Easter theme is ’Sounds of Easter’.  You are invited to record a sound clip, to help us reflect on the events of Holy Week.  We will feature these Easter Sounds on our website and they will also form part of our reflection on Maundy Thursday.  Here are some suggestions:

  • Two halves of a coconut for a donkey’s hooves (Palm Sunday)
  • A tray of gravel, deep enough to allow a child to stand in this and march vigorously on the spot (Soldiers marching)
  • A collection of pieces of wood that can be thrown down noisily (The cross)
  • A bag of coins that can be jangled and from which some can be tipped out (The betrayal of Jesus)
  • A cup and some liquid to pour into it  (Wine – the first communion)
  • Some pieces of cracker that will snap noisily (Bread – the first communion)
  • A bowl of water (Washing the disciples feet) 
  • A garden at night with owl (Gethsemane)
  • A hammer and nail with a block of wood, into which to bang the nail (Jesus on the cross)
  • Some wooden dice (Soldiers gamble for Christ’s clothes)
  • A piece of cloth to tear  (The temple veil is torn)
  • A piece of card that can be wobbled to make the sound of thunder 

The clip should be about 30 seconds, recorded on your phone and sent in.   You can use the ‘Voice Recorder’ app which is standard on iPhones or ‘Google Voice Recorder’ on many Android phones.  

Send your contributions to and by Sunday  2nd April!