Badgerset Christmas Folk

On 9th December, Badgerset returned to Winscombe for their annual Folk at Christmas concert.  

A sell-out crowd at the Church Centre were treated to an evening of music, comedy and dance.  As usual, there were plenty of opportunities for the audience to join in the singing of some familiar carols.  

Badgerset also treated us to songs and tunes drawn from the folk music and Morris tradition including regional carols from Taunton, Bishop Sutton, Oxford, Kent, and Sheffield, some dating back to the 14th century.  One song was sung in Latin, and another, Nadal da Luintra, in Galician!  Fortunately there were no Galican speakers in the audience to detect any errors in pronunciation!

This was Badgerset’s 10th anniversary concert in Winscombe having played here every Christmas since 2013 except for 2020.  

The concert raised over £1300 which will be shared between St James’s and All Saints churches.

Here’s hoping Badgerset will be back for 2024!

Wreath Making

The Sustainable Christmas Wreath Making Workshop

A very big thank you to all who came to the Christmas wreath making workshop on Wednesday December 13th and created such a variety of beautiful wreaths with so much enthusiasm and talent!  

The diversity of the greenery, the fragrance and the abundance of red berries this year was glorious. As well as greenery there was a selection of beautiful accessories and refreshments of mulled wine, ginger cake, shortbread and mince pies.

Safeguarding Sunday

Our Family Holy Communion service on 19th November marked ‘Safeguarding Sunday’. This is a time when churches think about how they are supporting those who have been hurt or harmed and highlight and celebrate all the good work that is being done behind the scenes to protect vulnerable people and create safer cultures and communities for all both now and in the future. Reverend Jacqui, who is a Safeguarding Trainer for the Diocese, provided the reflection which included a Q&A session with one of our Parish Safeguarding Officers about the role.

Jackie also read this poem:

May this place be one of nurture. Where we all may come to know. How your endless love sustains us, As we love and move and grow. May we work to build your kingdom, Full of truth and light and grace, Living life in all its fullness. Held in one divine embrace.

For our negligence and failures. You have called us to repent. Drawing energy for action. From the voices of lament. As the secret hurts long hidden. May at last be brought to light, May the truth unlock the freedom. That is every person’s right.

When the smallest child is valued. And the strong empower the weak, And each human life is hallowed. And the unheard voices speak,  Then your justice stands like mountains. And your mercy falls like rain, And you hold the broken-hearted. Til they learn to live again.

So in gratitude we praise you, And we lift to you in prayer. All the people you are calling. To this ministry of care. Give us wisdom, grace and courage, Holding fast to all that’s good, Seeing Christ in one another. We will love and serve our Lord.

Remembrance Sunday

Services were held at each of our churches as our villages paid their respects to the fallen with the two-minute silence being kept at 11.00 am.

In Sandford people assembled at the memorial to lay wreaths and listen to the names of those who died. There were poignant displays of poppies and artefacts in the church as a reminder of those who served in conflicts past and present.

St James’s was decorated with knotted poppies and filled to capacity for the service including over 40 young people representing Girl Guiding and Scouting in Winscombe. Scouts and guides also read the names of the fallen. Wreaths were laid on the altar before being placed on the churchyard War Memorial at the end of the service.

At St John’s the service was led by Rev Warren Williams took at which a poppy wreath was placed on the two war memorial tablets in church and the two boys who lost their lives on Dolberrow Warren were remembered.

Fab Twins evening is a great success.

Over 80 people gathered in the Church centre of Friday 20th October for St James’s Event Team’s Autumn Supper.

The entertainment was provided by the Fab Twins who soon had everyone singing along to hits from the 60s and 7Os.

After a ploughman’s supper the floor was quickly filled with eager and enthusiastic dancers. It was such fun for everyone that the band were reluctant to finish playing!

Thank you to all who came and supported us raising £800 for Church funds.

Canon Shaun Darley Celebrates 60 years of Ordained Ministry

Shaun Darley celebrated 60 years of ordained ministry at a special service at St James’s on Sunday 24th September. 

After Shaun presided over communion and gave the blessing, Reverend Andrew read a letter of congratulations from Bishop Michael and a gift was given to Shaun from our churches, to mark the occasion. Shaun spoke about the special home that Winscombe has been to him and Jill since moving here some 26 years ago and praised Jill for her steadfast support for his ministry. 

Afterwards the congregation were invited to share in the celebrations with a glass of fizz and a slice of a special cake decorated with a picture of St Alban’s Abbey where he was ordained.

Harvest Across the Benefice

On Sunday 10th September all three of our churches celebrated harvest with special services featuring a number of popular Harvest hymns and offering thanks for the bountiful world in which we live. Beautiful seasonal flower arrangements were also on display.

Following its Harvest Service each church held a Harvest Lunch for church members and others in the local community to join together to share food and fellowship.

At All Saints a delicious lunch of homemade soup and crumbles was served.

In Winscombe over 60 people enjoyed lunch together. The spread of cold meats with an assortment of salads was followed by fruit crumbles and cream. It was lovely to see so many people joining together for our first post pandemic Harvest Lunch. ‘Just like the good old days’ was the comment from many.

And St John the Baptist, in Churchill, welcomed parishioners to enjoy a sumptuous lunch to reflect and celebrate  Harvest Sunday.  30 guests attended the event held and catered by the Fund Raising Team.

Goodbye to Iris

On Tuesday 25th July we said goodbye and good luck to Iris at Coffee Morning as she is moving to Clevedon.

Iris has been leading Tuesday Coffee Mornings since they restarted after the pandemic. The coffee mornings are a valued and popular weekly event, an opportunity for people from the church and local community to meet each other and socialise over a cuppa.

Iris was presented with a beautiful picture (of an Iris) created by one of the coffee morning team, flowers and a card.

Beth has kindly offered to continue Iris’s good work and lead the coffee morning team together with Chris and Mo.