Churchwarden’s News

Church News in June

Election of Church Wardens for St James’s

Following the announcement that the Benefice will be going into vacancy, two church members, Derrick Claridge & Beth Cutmore have indicated that they are willing to stand for election as Churchwardens for St James’s.

Therefore an E.G.M. will be held on Sunday 7th July following Cafe Church in order for the election to take place.

‘I hereby give notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting (E.G.M.), that will take place on Sunday 7th July at 11 am (immediately following Cafe Church), in St James’s Church Centre, Winscombe.  Nominations have been submitted from people who wish to be considered for the two vacant positions of Church Warden for St James’s Church.  The E.G.M. is being held to formally elect these Church Wardens.  Everyone on St James’s Electoral Register is welcome to attend.  We look forward to seeing you there. ‘ 

D-Day Events

Thanks to everyone who helped with or participated in the D-Day Events in Winscombe. it was great to see the Church playing such a central role in events and putting itself at ‘the heart of the community’.

The Nostalgia Night as well as being great fun raised £646 for church funds.

For more details of all the D Day events visit our Church News page.

Reverend Andrew Hiscox

On Sunday 2nd June Reverend Andrew made the following announcement, ‘After 7 and a half years my family and i will be leaving our lovely church community here for pastures new. We will be sad to leave the good folk of Winscombe, Sandford and Churchill, but are also excited about the prospect of leading nine churches as the rector of a rural Benefice in Gloucester Diocese. I will be around until the end of August / beginning of Sept

Film Club is moving to a new day. From July the Film Club will be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month. This is the week when the Lunch Club at the Community Centre does not meet so we are hoping this will enable new people to join us.

Our films in July and August have been chosen to be family friendly so please feel free to invite children and grandchildren along to join us.

Consultation Event for Church Members

Tuesday 18th June at 2.30pm or 7.30pm in the Church Centre

Fresh Foundations now has its own Facebook Page

or search for Fresh Foundations.

Please choose to follow our page to get the latest news.

The latest news is also on our page on the church website: Fresh Foundations and there is a board in the Church Centre too.

Please contact Alison Haynes for further information

Follow this link to find out more about our new team and its plans for fun and fundraising

Events Team Page